5 Reasons why HRM is Important for a Digital Marketing Agency

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5 Reasons why HRM is Important for a Digital Marketing Agency

HRM simplifies employee onboarding

Jacob Wilson
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Jacob Wilson

In the competitive world of digital marketing, human resources play a vital role in keeping the team together, shaping corporate policies, and of course, optimizing the talent acquisition strategy for maximum ROI. If you don’t have a strong, well-rounded HR structure in your agency, there is no denying that you are going have a difficult time building a reputable brand in the eyes of potential employees, not to mention that creating a strong talent retention strategy will become a cumbersome chore.

There are many reasons why you as a leader in this increasingly-competitive field should prioritize human resource management, all of which will ultimately help you attract and retain talent, build a thriving company culture, ensure compliance, and push your brand forward as a whole. Here are the five reasons why HRM is important, and how to leverage it for long-term success.

HRM simplifies employee onboarding

Anyone who has been in the digital marketing game for any amount of time can attest to the struggles of bringing the new guy (or gal) up to speed, familiarizing them with the company’s culture and lifestyle, and getting them “in the zone” so that they can start being a productive member of your team. Not to mention the painstaking task of actually integrating your new employees into your infrastructure so that they can use your company’s resources like your other employees.

As you might have guessed, HR is here to alleviate a lot of this pressure and make the onboarding processes as simple and straightforward as possible for you, your new employees, as well as the rest of your team. Remember, it’s not just about getting your new team members up to speed, it’s also about getting your existing employees to “click” with them.

Improving training and education

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and only the agencies that keep up with the latest technology and knowledge trends will come out on top in the years to come. To achieve this, you need to continuously invest in the education and development of your team members, something that requires time, effort, and dedication. 

By leveraging the skills and expertise of your human resource professionals, you can effectively structure employee training and education with minimal financial waste. Use your HR experts to plan and execute seminars, workshops, orientations, and various other programs that will get your employees up to speed with the latest market trends and developments, in order to help your agency stay competitive in the long run.

Discovering the hidden talent in the industry

Of course, one of the biggest reasons to emphasize HRM in your agency is because you want to create a talent acquisition strategy with the help of trained experts who understand the various employee demographics and how to approach them. Recruiting in the modern digital marketing world is not just about posting a couple of job ads on social media, it’s about carefully creating a narrative that appeals to the modern job-seeker.

What’s more, HR specialists can discover those hidden talent pools in your industry. For example, there are many benefits of hiring workers with disabilities for forward-looking agencies, yet not many business leaders take the time to consider the long-term potential of special employee demographics. Your HR specialists can, therefore, analyze the potential of all talent groups, and craft unique narratives that will attract the top talent to apply for a position in your company.

Motivating employees through company culture

Another important reason why HRM should be your priority is because HR experts understand the value and potential of a positive company culture. More importantly, they know how to grow and nurture such a culture in a way that benefits the employees as well as your brand. With a good HR specialist at your side, you will be able to build a culture on the values of transparency, honesty, and mutual trust and respect. 

Developing policies and compliance regulations

On a final note, remember that HR experts are well-versed in all matters regarding company rules, regulations, and policies. Allowing your HR staff to work closely with your legal team will ensure that your company is covered on all fronts, both internally and externally. While the legal department takes care of laws and governmental regulations, your HR specialists can work on developing business ethics, core values, aims, and objectives for your brand.

Final thoughts

Human Resources is one of those departments every new business leader thinks the company can do without until there is an explicit need to resolve a quarrel between two employees. But HR is so much more than that. This department can, quite literally, pave the road for your brand to become the leader in the industry, so make sure to prioritize HRM in order to achieve your goals. 

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Written by Jacob Wilson

Jacob Wilson is a business consultant, and an organizational psychologist, based in Brisbane. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for Bizzmarkblog.com.

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